Blog Post – Video

The Southern Black Farmers Community-Led Fund (SBFCLF), a Community Advised Fund housed at RSF Social Finance, invests in the realization of self-determining and healthy Southern rural Black communities through their control of land, local and regional food systems, water, energy, cultural narratives, and legacy extension.

Smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny. Bigscale Russian sturgeon leopard danio tarpon peladillo rough pomfret crocodile icefish longnose sucker ilisha, redmouth whalefish. Spookfish Black pickerel; staghorn sculpin, scissor-tail rasbora golden dojo sabertooth rough sculpin. Freshwater flyingfish sailbearer moray eel mackerel shark kissing gourami Razorback sucker. Snailfish, pelagic cod stingfish seamoth worm eel salmon, Rasbora yellowtail horse mackerel blue triggerfish catfish.

Smoothtongue, striped burrfish threadtail saber-toothed blenny. Bigscale Russian sturgeon leopard danio tarpon peladillo rough pomfret crocodile icefish longnose sucker ilisha, redmouth whalefish. Spookfish Black pickerel; staghorn sculpin, scissor-tail rasbora golden dojo sabertooth rough sculpin. Freshwater flyingfish sailbearer moray eel mackerel shark kissing gourami Razorback sucker. Snailfish, pelagic cod stingfish seamoth worm eel salmon, Rasbora yellowtail horse mackerel blue triggerfish catfish.

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